Bombyhead Pageant Management System Software Logo

The FREE Pageant Management System that simplifies pageant registration and management for both directors and contestants.

Your pageant needs Bombyhead
Top 5 Features

Customizable Registration Forms

Tailors the registration process to fit the specific needs of the pageant.

Payment Processing and Management

Handles entry fees, optional competition fees, and other payments securely.

People's Choice Voting

Totally automate your people's choice competition to maximize income. This is a paid optional feature.

Photo, File and Media Management

Collects and organizes your data requirements all in once place.

Real Time Judging and Tabulation

Get instantaneous results from your judging. This is a free option.

No Paper

Bombyhead takes care of the tedious tasks, giving you more time to focus on growing your pageant.

Done For You!

While Bombyhead is super simple to use, we understand that you are busy and may not have the time to learn a new system. We are here to help you get started and will build your registration system for your specific pageant for you! We make it easy.

Brand Prestige and Contestant Satisfaction

One of the hidden benefits of using Bombyhead is how it will help your pageant brand image as being the cool modern pageant. Pageants that use Bombyhead are perceived as being more professional and modern. Separate yourself from the pack, and be the pageant that contestants enjoy entering. Contestants HATE the old complicated and clunky form approach. They love the simplicity and ease of use of Bombyhead. We know this because we surveyed them. They HATE submitting physical paperwork and printed photos. Bombyhead turns hate into love, and isn't that what the world needs?

Bombyhead Features

check_box No pageant too big or too small
BombyHead supports pageants of any size. From small local pageants, to state pageants, to mult-state regional pageants, and of course, national pageants. We got you covered!
check_box Simple and Clean Registration Form
Easily create a registration form that looks great and works well on computers and mobile devices. Let your contestants know that you run a 1st class pageant from their very first interaction with you.
check_box Smart Pageant Registration Forms
Finally pageant registration forms that work perfectly for pageants. BombyHead registration forms are not generic, but instead are designed just for pageants. They do smart things, like only display areas of competition that are eligible for a particular division, automatically provide bonuses and discounts, makes sure contestants register in the correct division, supports multiple deadlines, etc.
check_box Automated Payment Collection
The registration form automatically computes entry fee and collects payment. Money is automatically deposited into your bank account.
check_box Partial Payment Support
Directors have the option to be able to collect partial payments so people can pay the registration fee over time. Useful for higher priced pageants.
check_box Easy Photo Submissions
Submitting photos is as simple as point and click to upload and submit photos.
check_box Reuse Photos Across Pageants
Bombyhead stores contestant photos in a photo library, so they can easily reuse photos across pageants without having to find the photos and upload them again.
check_box Broad area of competition support
Bombyhead supports a comprehensive set of competition areas, including, but not limited to: photogenic, interview, various on-stage competitions, and portfolio.
check_box Automated Email Notifications
Bombyhead automatically sends email notifications to contestants. For example, when they visit your pageant registration page but do not enter or when their registration is incomplete, an email is sent.
check_box Supports PDF, Audio, and Video file uploads
Bombyhead already has built in pageant information collection capabilties, but we understand that some pageants may have a specific format they require. Contestants can submit their paperwork conforming to your specifications by submitting PDF files. Additionally people can upload audio or video files as well. Bombyhead supports all file types.
check_box Collects Contact, Biography, and Custom Information
On the registration form, you can collect required pageant information. Bombyhead supports the common requests (e.g. contact info, biography, etc.), and it also supports the ability to collect custom information specific to your pageant.
check_box No Limits
Bombyhead has no limitations on the size of your pageant. We can handle pageants both big and small. Supports unlimited contestants, contests, areas of competition, divisions, etc...
check_box Contestant Contact Management
Collects contestant contact information and with a simple lookup, you can find contestant contact info across all your pageants.
check_box Real Time Judging and Tabulation
Get your results instantaneously. Judges use their computers to enter scores and the results are tabulated in real time and displayed on the tabulators screen. No more waiting for the tabulators to finish. This is a powerful and free feature of Bombyhead.
check_box Data Download and Export
You are never locked into Bombyhead. Export your data (Photos, files, contestant info, etc.) so you can import into other programs or spreadsheets.
check_box Free Tools - Ad Maker, Pageant Database, and Program Maker
Bombyhead has a set of free tools that directors and contestants can use.
check_box Contestant and Staff Management
Bombyhead makes sure your staff and contestants have the information they need to make your pageant day run smoothly.
check_box World Class Support
You are never alone. We are here to help you and your contestants have the best experience using Bombyhead. Have a suggestion to help us be better? Just let us know.
check_box Active Development
We are not stale or living in the past. We are constantly adding new features and improving the experience. We are always looking for ways to make your pageant experience better and your job/life easier. Our core mission is to make Bombyhead the most easiest, feature rich, pageant management system with world class support.

People's Choice

People's Choice is an optional feature that can be used to increase pageant revenue. This is where people can vote for their favorite contestant. Votes cost money. The contestant with the most votes wins the People's Choice award. If you are not running a people's choice component, you are missing out on a revenue opportunity. People's Choice can be run in conjunction with your pageant or as a standalone event using our sister product,

Bombyhead totally automates the people's choice component of your pageant. All you have to do is turn it on and bombyhead does the rest, including collecting the money, tabulating the votes, communitcating with contestants and voters, and providing reports.

The People's Choice feature is not free. There is no up front cost, but Bombyhead takes a percentage of the People's Choice revenue. The percentage is 25% of the People's Choice revenue. Bombyhead Collects the 25% each time a voting donation is made, so you never owe us any money.

If you're solely interested in our People's Choice voting feature, we recommend using our sister product, Dempsi, available at Dempsi specializes in standalone People's Choice offerings.

All payments are handled via Stripe is sort of like PayPal. Contest fees are collected using stripe and is immediately deposited into your stripe account. You can have the money transferred to your bank account on demand or automatically.

Want to see how registration works? Here is a demo photo contest registration system you can try. You will need to register (provide your name and email), just like any of your contestants will have to do, in order to access the demo registration page. DEMO CONTEST REGISTRATION
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Tiffany Redmon

Kentucky Bluegrass Prelim Director

My favorite Bombyhead feature is everything is in one place. I don't need to have multiple program and spreadsheets. I love that I can see all my contestants in one place.
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Champayne Wilson

Kentucky Cosmos State Director

I love love love that BombyHead handles all my pageant needs as saves me SOOOO much time. I have more time to help develop my pageant and have more time with my family. Maybe the best thing is that I can now run more pageants than I could otherwise.


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